
I call it hacking, but really it’s me playing with computers and shouting at them


I’ve started using YADM, which has been entertaining. In theory, I really like the idea of managing my dotfiles in git. In practise, it’s more difficult than I figured. YADM is pretty simple software - it’s packaged for Debian and is a just a script - it’s available for FreeBSD through the mystical power of wget or curl. It’s packaged for a range of other distributions/OSes too, but they’re pretenders so I don’t care about them …

Talking and DVB

So I ran a self organised session at 33C3 - DVB-S:Pirate or Amateur Digital TV Stations I figured there wouldn’t be that much interest, so I organised to keep it around the Scottish Consulate / milliways area. I was very wrong… I had way more people than I expected, who were much more interested than I expected. I had clues of this all day, with the regular traffic of people coming and asking at the Consulate about it. …

Infrastructure Updates

For the last while, the website’s been running on caddy. Caddy’s a really nice piece of software - https integrated as standard with let’s encrypt, http2 support by default and a simple config file format. It’s pretty cool, I really like it. Unfortunately it’s not yet in any repos, and I don’t feel particularly secure running a server by starting it with sudo and keeping the files and configs in my home directory. …

Hackbook FreeBSD - Wifi

My notebook for this evening’s work states “This fucking computer is insanity”. I’ve clearly picked up the term from tj. I’ve spent a lot of time fucking about with this wifi nonsense. Here’s the compressed overview of how far I’ve got: I’m loading every module related to ipw and wlan under the sun in /boot/loader.conf: if_ipw_load="YES" legal.intel_ipw.license_ack=1 ipw_bss_load="YES" ipw_ibss_load="YES" wlan_scan_ap_load="YES" wlan_scan_sta_load="YES" wlan_wep_load="YES" wlan_ccmp_load="YES" wlan_tkip_load="YES" No idea what half that wlan stuff does, maybe I should read up some… …

Preparing for 33c3

Ugh, I’ve been meaning to blog for a while. Little projects to write up for future hibby. I’ve been so tired lately I’ve been forgetting, so I’ve tried to get into the habit of writing in my notepad what I’ve been doing at the close of play. It’s been quite productive - that’s where the last few blogs have come from and the RSGB convention writeups came from. 33C3 is nearly upon us and I’ve been horrifically disorganised for it. …