
The posts on this site are loosely categorised into common topics.

Find your favourite and go wild - categories with recent posts come first, until I work out Hugo’s taxonomy system more.


Linux forms the base of my computing experience, and I work on the Debian project occasionally in my free time. Sometimes I’m learning stuff, sometimes I’m learning how little I know. This is that collection of knowledge.


Amateur Radio is probably my most important non sporting hobby. It has shaped my interests, my career, the things I do in the hackerspace and the way I spend almost all of my non-professional time. I currently operate as MM0RFN, ex 2M0HIB & MM3ZRZ. These are the collected results and thoughts from my years of experimentation and play in this area.


I call it hacking, but really it’s me playing with computers and shouting at them

Reflective Writing

I look back on things from time to time, and this is where those reflections live


I have been known to dabble in FreeBSD, this is where my learnings are recorded for future me to refer to